Russia has set out on the conflict against Ukraine and the last option doesn’t appear to surrender at any point in the near future. The Ukrainians have begun preparing their regular folks to set them up for whatever could come their direction.

CNN Afghanistan Journalist Bernie Gores Was Not Executed In Ukraine A piece of phony news has been coursing all over online media in regards to the execution of CNN Afganisthan columnist Bernie Gores. Individuals are accepting this and as of now posting sympathy messages for him.

In any case, the news was a controlled screen capture posted by CNN during the Afghanistan war. He was executed by the Taliban on August 2021 and all the unconfirmed Twitter accounts have emerged with the created tweet.

Presently, CNN affirms that the piece has no reality and is misrepresented by the unconfirmed sources on the web. The columnist has not been executed in Ukraine and it is simply one more misleading content that has been put out to acquire consideration by the baseless mushroom Twitter pages.

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Bernie Gores Is Not Dead In Ukraine According to online media, Bernie Gores was the primary American setback in the emergency of Ukraine. The rationale set forward in the viral tweet says CNN is the foe of individuals and he got killed on the grounds that works for it.

All things considered, Gores isn’t dead and appears all good in spite of the supposed news streaming all around the web. A checked wellspring of CNN, Matt Dornic, calls those accounts and handles totally sham. he is likewise head of key interchanges and claims that CNN has never emerged to tweet it.

Despite the fact that the writer’s whereabouts are obscure until further notice, we can guarantee you that he isn’t dead.

— TheStormisAponUs (@RedPill3333) February 27, 2022

Where Could Bernie Gores Today be? The erroneous data with respect to Bernie Gores had been spread from seemingly forever by the gaming networks on the web. Nonetheless, there is no piece of proof to realize where is today at all. Indeed, the image utilized on the tweet is of the YouTuber Jordie Jordan.

The fake thing incorporates sympathy and supplications to the purportedly expired family also. Then again, CNN has effectively disposed of it so we can say that the columnist is alive in 2022.