It was an MMO that had a ton of games and activities that you could play when you got home from school. The appeal lay in the idea that you could share your igloo (home) with other members which created large maps, you were allowed free clothing items whether you were a paid member or not, and there were Club Penguin parties just about every month.

Nostalgia is powerful in all things, but especially with games.

Enter: Club Penguin Island

When it comes to revamping old game content, in this case Club Penguin, a lot of factors must be considered – the most important is fan reciprocation. What I mean by this, is how well will the fandom receive the new version of the content that you are pushing?

The general consensus for Club Penguin Island seems to be that fan reciprocation is low. Very low. In fact, Google Play gives it a 2.3 rating. That spells bad news for the game’s continuity.

It All Went Downhill On March 30, 2017

Club Penguin Island was released for mobile devices on March 30, 2017.

During the first set of downloads, the servers crashed. And that would have been fine (for the first day), but then it became worse.

It seems to be impossible to play the game for five minutes before a membership ad pops up. Many of the features that were available on the original Club Penguin game are either no longer available, or are only available to paying members.

But the worst thing is that the masses are calling for Disney to bring back the original Club Penguin.

It’s Not All Bad News

There are a few people who are asking players to give the developers some slack as the game has only been around for a short while. Some even have high hopes that the PC version (if they choose to create one) will be just as amazing and creative as the original.

What are your thoughts? Are these defenders of Club Penguin Island correct? Or will they fall prey to their whims of better days to come?