Nonetheless, things didn’t turn out true to form Cleopatra and they quickly began taking some unacceptable turns in her day to day existence. She was fundamentally accepted detainee by her significant other as clarified by Cleopatra herself in a YouTube video.

Allow us to get more familiar with Cleopatra and investigate her significant other and investigate wedded life. Cleopatra Licciardo-Toivola’s significant other was a fake and victimizer as indicated by the YouTuber herself.

She has not uncovered her better half’s name on the web or has said anything regarding his character to her fans and supporters at this point. The couple met without precedent for Finland however she has not uncovered anything about their first gathering yet.

As Cleopatra suspected she had got another life getting away from her family and heading out to the United States with her better half, she later acknowledged he had lied about everything up to that point, beginning from his age.

She later uncovered her better half had controlling requests as long as 5 years from a few of his relatives and others would have rather not see him at any point down the road.

Cleopatra clarifies her significant other was a bigot and frightful individual in the video, Once he called an African-American child ‘filthy and stinky’ and furthermore remarked all individuals of color were messy and stinky.

A few doesn’t appear to have an awesome hitched life, they appear to be just lawfully hitched and didn’t trade any adoration or warmth as a couple. Cleo appeared to be to a greater extent a detainee to her better half.

Cleopatra Licciardo-Toivola discloses all that happened to her in a youtube video on her mom’s channel. The video is around 50 minutes in length containing the story of Cleopatra’s experience across the United States and her marriage.

She was mishandled frightfully by her purported spouse and was secured away a room containing cameras. Every one of her reports were seized and taken by her phony spouse including her driving permit and visa. Her designation arm band was additionally taken from her alongside the entirety of her garments and even clasps and recordings for her forthcoming youtube video from her cell phone.

She was even taken across the Mexican line to be offered to the most elevated bidder, she figured out how to escape on moving traffic yet was pursued somewhere near her significant other as per a Reddit Post containing the record and rundown of her youtube video.

Cleopatra Licciardo-Toivola has not moved back to Australia to her home. She discloses she is glad to be back home and getaway the United States of America and her significant other. Twitter account.