To add Wonders to your civilization, there are many requirements you have to take into consideration. Not only do you have to factor in terrain and adjacency to other parts of your city, but you need to unlock certain Civics trees as well as the usual tech trees.

There are currently 30 Wonders in-game, so there are plenty of opportunities to get some in your civ before your opponents. Here is a list of all the Wonders in-game, their full requirements and the bonuses they bestow.

Alhambra Big Ben Bolshoi Theater Broadway Chichen Itza Colosseum Colossus Cristo Redentor Eiffel Tower Estadio Do Maracanã Forbidden City Great Library Great Lighthouse Great Pyramids Great Zimbabwe Hagia Sophia Hanging Gardens Hermitage Huey Teocalli Mahabodhi Temple Mont St Michel The Oracle Oxford University Petra Potala Palace Ruhr Valley Stonehenge Sydney Opera House Terracotta Army Venetian Arsenal

Big Ben


Real-life location: Andalusia, Spain Tech / Civic Requirement: Castle Tile Requirement: Alhambra is a castle, so it makes sense that it needs to be built on a hill which is adjacent to an Encampment district. Bonus: +1 Military policy slot

Big Ben

Real-life location: London, England Tech / Civic Requirement: Economics Tile Requirement: Like its real position next to the River Thames, Big Ben must be built next to a river and needs to be adjacent to a commercial hub district with a bank. Bonus: +1 Economic policy slot and it doubles your current treasury.

Bolshoi Theatre

Real-life location: Moscow, Russia Tech / Civic Requirement: Opera and Ballet Tile Requirement: Understandably, the Bolshoi need to be built adjacent to the theater district. Bonus: Gives you two randomly-chosen free civics when completed.


Real-life location: New York, America Tech / Civic Requirement: Mass Media Tile Requirement: As with the Bolshoi Theatre, Broadway needs to be built adjacent to the theater district. Bonus: Gives a free random Atomic Era civic boost.


Chichen Itza

Real-life location: Yucatán, Mexico Tech / Civic Requirement: Guilds Tile Requirement: As you would expect, this Mayan construction needs to be built in a rainforest. Bonus: +2 Culture and +1 Production to all Rainforest Tiles around the city.


Real-life location: Rome, Italy Tech / Civic Requirement: Games and Recreation Tile Requirement: The home of the Olympics must be built adjacent to an Entertainment Complex district. Bonus: Grants +1 Amenity and +1 Culture for all cities in your civ.


Real-life location: Rhodes, Greece Tech / Civic Requirement: Shipbuilding Tile Requirement: This giant statue of the Greek God Helios needs to be built on the coast and next to a harbor. Bonus: Gives a free Trader unit.

Cristo Redentor

Real-life location: Rio de Janerio, Brazil Tech / Civic Requirement: Mass Media Tile Requirement: ‘Christ the Redeemer’ must be built on a hill. Bonus: Doubles the tourism output from all seaside resorts across your civilization.

The Great Library

Eiffel Tower

Real-life location: Paris, France Tech / Civic Requirement: Steel Tile Requirement: Like its actual location in the heart of Paris, the Eiffel Tower needs to be big adjacent to the city center. Bonus: All tiles in your civilization gain +2 Appeal.

Estadio Do Maracanã

Real-life location: Rio de Janerio, Brazil Tech / Civic Requirement: Professional Sports Tile Requirement: None. Bonus: Grants a +2 bonus to amenities to every city in your civilization.

Forbidden City

Real-life location: Beijing, China Tech / Civic Requirement: Printing Tile Requirement: This grand palace needs to be built next to a city center. Bonus: Gain a Wild Card policy slot.

Great Library

Real-life location: Alexandria, Egypt Tech / Civic Requirement: Recorded History Tile Requirement: Also known as the Library of Alexandria, this building needs to be built adjacent to a campus district with a library. Bonus: Grants a boost to all Ancient and Classical era technologies.

Great Pyramids

Great Lighthouse

Real-life location: Alexandria, Egypt Tech / Civic Requirement: Celestial Navigation Tile Requirement: As with The Colossus, the Great Lighthouse needs to be built on the coast and next to a harbor. Bonus: All Naval units receive a +1 to movement.

Great Pyramids

Real-life location: Cairo, Egypt Tech / Civic Requirement: Masonry Tile Requirement: The only requirement that is that it is built in a flat desert. Bonus: Gives you one free builder and all builders in your civ can build an extra improvement.

Great Zimbabwe

Real-life location: Lake Mutirikwe, Zimbabwe Tech / Civic Requirement: Banking Tile Requirement: This ancient city must be built next to a commercial hub with a market and next to cattle. Bonus: Grants +1 to your trade route capacity.

Hagia Sophia

Real-life location: Istanbul, Turkey Tech / Civic Requirement: Education Tile Requirement: To add this basilica to your civ, you must have a founded religion and it needs to be built next to a holy site. Bonus: Allows missionaries and apostles to spread religion 1 extra time.

Huey Teocalli

Hanging Gardens

Real-life location: near present day Hillan, Iraq Tech / Civic Requirements: Irrigation Tile Requirements: The Hanging Gardens must be built next to a river. Bonus: Increases city growth by 15%


Real-life location: Saint Petersburg, Russia Tech / Civic Requirements: Natural History Tile Requirements: This museum must be built next to a river. Bonus: While there are no specific bonuses to building the Hermitage, it does yield +3 Great Artist points and +4 Great Works of Art slots.

Huey Teocalli

Real-life location: Mexico City Tech / Civic Requirements: Military Tactics Tile Requirements: This Aztec temple must be built on a lake tile next to an island. Bonus: This grants +1 amenity to adjacent lake tiles, +1 food and production for each lake tile in your civ.

Mahabodhi Temple

Real-life location: Bodh Gaya, India Tech / Civic Requirements: Theology Tile Requirement: The two conditions for building this Buddist temple is that you must have founded a religion and it needs to be built in woodland next to a holy site with a temple. Bonus: Gives 2 extra apostles.

Oxford University

Mont St Michel

Real-life location: Normandy, France Tech / Civic Requirement: Divine Right Tile Requirement: The real Mont St Michel Abbey is on an island commune so it makes sense that it needs be built on a marsh or floodplains tile. Bonus: All apostles gain an addition ability which you can choose yourself as well as a martyr ability.

The Oracle

Real-life location: Delphi, Greece Tech / Civic Requirement: Mysticism Tile Requirement: Needs to be built on a hill. Bonus: All districts in your city provide +2 Great Person points depending on their type.

Oxford University

Real-life location: Oxford, England Tech / Civic Requirement: Scientific Theory Tile Requirement: It needs to be built next to a campus with a university and on grasslands or plains. Bonus: Gives two randomly chosen technologies for free when finished.


Real-life location: Ma’an, Jordan Tech / Civic Requirement: Mathematics Tile Requirement: Must be built on flat desert or floodplains. Bonus: For all desert tiles within your city, you gain +2 food, +2 gold and +1 production.

Potala Palace

Potala Palace

Real-life location: Tibet, China Tech / Civic Requirement: Astronomy Tile Requirement: Needs to be built on hill next to a mountain. Bonus: Grants one extra diplomacy policy slot.

Ruhr Valley

Real-life location: Ruhr, Germany Tech / Civic Requirement: Industrialization Tile Requirement: This heavy industrial wonder needs to be built next to an industrial district that contains factories and need to be alongside a river. Bonus: You get +1 for each mine and quarry in the city.


Real-life location: Amesbury, England Tech / Civic Requirement: Astrology Tile Requirement: Must be built on flat land next to stone. Bonus: Gives you a free Great Prophet.

Sydney Opera House

Real-life location: Sydney, Australia Tech / Civic Requirement: Cultural Heritage Tile Requirement: This building needs to be on the coast next to a harbor. It cannot be built next to a lake. Bonus: It doesn’t have any bonuses but does yield Great Musician points and Great Works of Music slots.

Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army

Real-life location: Xian, China Tech / Civic Requirement: Construction Tile Requirement: To build this army, you need to place it next to an encampment district which has either barracks or stables. It also has to be built on grasslands or plains. Bonus: This wonder grants a promotion level to all land based units and allows your archeologists to go into other nations lands without having been granted open borders.

Venetian Arsenal

Real-life location: Venice, Italy Tech / Civic Requirement: Mass Production Tile Requirement: It needs to be built on the coast and next to an industrial district. Bonus: For each naval unit you train, this wonder gives you another.

There you have it. All 30 Wonders of the World in Civilization VI. So, tell us, how many have you managed to get so far? how many have to earnt in one game? Let us know below!